This is the reason when it should be Caesar

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 14 March 2012 | 06:17

This is the reason when it should be Caesar, Whether labor is Caesar is always the best option.
Yes, not necessarily all, of the risks and negative effects should be studied in advance.

At a planned C-section will go through various procedures remain, such as urine and blood regularly. In addition to the type of anesthesia and drugs will be checked again, whether the patient is allergic and others. Mother's mental condition before entering the operating room is also part of the success of the operation.

Fear of the mother will affect the heart's blood pressure and other problems that could hinder the operation.
If a Caesarean section is not planned or emergency, after the problems or difficulties arise during the process is labor.

Various reasons for a decision to do a C-section, among others, are as follows:

A. Failure develops or prolonged labor.
Weak contraction, opening no progress or a baby who will not go down despite having made efforts to make better contraction. This situation is expected until some time according to the procedures of the Hospital or Doctor of Experts.

2. Mal Mal presentation or position.
That is where the fetus in the uterus is abnormal or not suitable if you were born normal. For example, the baby lying horizontally, and the breech position baby's head up in such a way that is difficult or can not pass through the pelvis.

3. CPD (Cephalopelvic Disproportion).
The circumstances in which the baby's head is too large, the structure of the mother's pelvis is smaller or a combination of both.
CPD is rarely detected before labor, because even though big baby and the mother's pelvis is small, in general, the baby will adjust and will widen the hip joint during labor.

If time is plenty and good quality of the contractions, but no progress, then the diagnosis of CPD will be set.

4. Fetal distress.
Namely the change in fetal heart rate suddenly. This occurs due to tangled cords and resulting in reduced blood flow to the placenta.

5. Fetal problems.
For example, a congenital defect.
Here the role of Caesar is useful to reduce the risk of new problems in newborns.

6. Cord prolapse.
The umbilical cord precedes the baby down on the head of the fetus and umbilical cord clamping.

7. Previna placenta.
The placenta is covering the meaning of the birth canal.
At the time dilated cervix, uterus and placenta regardless of cause painless bleeding in the mother. This can reduce the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

8. Placenta abruption.
Namely the placenta detached from the uterine wall before delivery.
This situation can lead to uterine bleeding.

9. Expectant Mother diseases.
For example, heart disease, HIV / AIDS medical condition or disease and other serious hazards.
For example, expectant mothers are not able to withstand the stress of labor and delivery through the vagina.

10. Repeat C-section.
If the previous delivery by Caesarean section, most likely when the next delivery will also be at risk for a cesarean delivery.

This dewas experts encourage expectant mothers to deliver vaginally after a caesarean section to reduce the level of choice for many couples in the absence of medical indications.

Those are some emergencies that require a Caesarean section for expectant mothers. Done for the safety of infants and expectant mothers.

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