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Improve your SPERM Quality By Eating

Written By Unknown on Sunday 18 March 2012 | 13:21

So, what foods should i eat to improve my sperm quality? There are many studies that suggest eating foods rich in :

§  Zinc 
    Has been shown to increase number of sperm and sperm motility by 80% to 200% by aiding testosterone synthesis. Coupled with amino acids like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine, zinc should increase ejaculate volume significantly. Good sources of zinc is oysters. Bananas, avocado and almond or other nuts are also rich in zync.
§  Vitamin A 
   Has been shown to enhance sperm production and affect overall sperm quality. Good sources of Vitamin A are carrots, milk, chicken, fish oils, butter, cheese, eggs, and liver. Deficiencies in vitamin A in men have been linked to lowered fertility due to sluggish sperm,
§  Vitamin C
     Is another important nutrient that has been shown to improve sperm production and the motility of sperm cells. Good sources of Vitamin C are strawberries, oranges, broccoli, and kiwi fruit. According to practitioners, Vitamin C decreases sperm abnormalities and increases sperm number and quality. Vitamin C plays an especially important role in protecting the sperm’s genetic material (DNA) from damage. Ascorbic acid levels are much higher in seminal fluid than in other body fluids, including the blood.
§  Vitamin E 
    Is found in almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanut butter, peanuts, spinach, and broccoli. vitamin E is easy to find in food. studies show that men who have increased levels of vitamin E in their diet, have higher fertilization rates and better sperm motility than men who don’t have high levels of vitamin E.
§  Selenium 
     Is an antioxidant that can prevent chromosome breakage (a problem linked to both birth defects and miscarriages). Garlic is rich in selenium and therefore is a must for a fertility diet. Selenium and vitamins C and E can improve both your sperm cells’ production and their motility (swimming action)
§  L-Arginine
    Is shown to double sperm and semen in recent studies; sperm health and activity also increase. Good sources of arginine include dairy products, beef, pork, granola, oatmeal, and nuts. Preliminary research indicates that taking L Arginine over a period of months helps boost sperm count, according to the University of Michigan Health System website. But in men with extremely low natural sperm count, L Arginine seems to be little or no help.
§  L-Carnitine 
   Is found in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Proven to significantly increase the percentage of highly motile sperm. This compound is biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. L-Carnitine plays a powerful role in sperm formation, sperm maturation, and the maintenance of sperm quality. Beef is where you find high doses of L-carnitine, and there are small amounts in asparagus, and leafy greens. It is found in trace amounts from some select nuts and seeds.
§  Lycopene 
   Is the most common carotenoid in the human body and a very potent antioxidant. Lycopene has been shown to increase sperm quality. Fruits and vegetables that are high in lycopene include tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, papaya, and red bell pepper. Armand Zini, MD, associate professor of surgery at McGill University in Montreal, addressed this issue during the 2004 meeting of the American Dietetic Association (ADA). He reported that oxidative damage is linked to male infertility, as is a low semen lycopene level.

Dont forget to drink enough WATER!. Dehydration is the number one cause of poorsperm production. Sperm components is mostly from water. Try to eat at least 8 glass of water a day.

How To Do It All In One Easy Step
When you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes five servings of fruit and vegetables, two to three servings of dairy and protein products plus about five to six servings of grains, you automatically take in all the vitamins and minerals you need you need to produce healthy and high quality sperms every day. It is not recommended to eat the same menu over and over, instead well balanced diet is the key to maintain maximum benefit of every nutrients in food.

13:21 | 3 comments | Read More

TeraToZOO Sperma

Some men are infertile because of abnormal looking sperm. This is called teratozoospermia. This is diagnosed by examining the semen under a microscope to ascertain the sperm shape. A normal sample should have at least 15% normal forms.

While the commonest cause of male infertility is a low sperm count ( the technical term for this is oligospermia), some men are infertile because of abnormal looking sperm . This is called teratozoospermia (terato=monster).
Many infertile men have sperm samples which have low sperm counts, with poor motility and many abnormally shaped sperms. This is called oligoasthenoteratozoopsermia.

When the laboratory checks the semen under the microscope, they analyse the sperm shape ( whether the sperm are normally shaped or not - this is called their form or morphology. ) Ideally, a good sperm should have a regular oval head, with a connecting mid-piece and a long straight tail. If too many sperms are abnormally shaped (round heads; pin heads; very large heads; double heads; absent tails) this may mean the sperm are abnormal and will not be able to fertilise the egg. Many labs use Kruger "strict " criteria ( developed in South Africa ) for judging sperm normality. Only sperm which are "perfect" are considered to be normal. A normal sample should have at least 15% normal forms (which means that even upto 85% abnormal forms is considered to be acceptable!)
Why do we worry about abnormally shaped sperm ? A lot of men who have a normal count of 50 million per ml with 98% abnormal sperm often ask me - I have 1 million normal sperm - why can't I get my wife pregnant ? After all, I need only 1 sperm to fertilise the egg ! This is because abnormally shaped sperm are not capable of fertilising the egg, because they do not function properly. And if 98% of the sperm being produced in the testis are functioning abnormally, the fertilising ( functioning) ability of the remaining 2% sperm is bound to be suspect !

So what does the man with abnormal sperm do? Most men go to their doctor and expect that their doctor will prescribe a medicine which will help them to improve their sperm morphology , and fix their problem. After all, they expect that if medical technology has become so advanced, then there must be some treatment available to correct such a common problem !

The problem with the medical treatment of poor sperm morphology is that for most people it simply doesn't work. The very fact that there are so many ways of "treating" poor sperm morphology itself suggests that there is no effective method available. This is the sad state of affairs today and much needs to be learnt about the causes of poor production of sperm before we can find effective methods of treating it.
11:38 | 0 comments | Read More

Mentall Illness Faced By Adult

Mental Illnesses are known to have devastating impact on a person’s quality of life. Below are some commonly known mental illnesses affecting adults:

Depression is classified as a mood disorder, and affects a person’s feelings and emotions. Everyone feels sad from time to time, due to situations such as the loss of someone close, or a major disappointment. However, depression is of a greater intensity and lasts for a much longer period of time, to the point where it severely affects your daily functioning.

Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is another common mood disorder. While it is normal to experience a variety of moods throughout the day, Bipolar Disorder is evident when you have an extreme change in mood, usually swinging between extremes. These extremes or “poles” range from “mania” (a highly excited and elevated mood) to depression (extreme low and sad mood).

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects a person’s sense of reality, and the sufferer can be affected by delusions, hallucinations, or be extremely disorganized in speech and behaviour.
A person with Schizophrenia may develop false beliefs of grandeur or persecution (delusions), or experience sights, sounds, smells, tastes or touch that others do not experience (hallucinations). Such symptoms make it difficult for sufferers to distinguish between what is real and what is imagined.

Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders are mental illnesses that may be caused by problems with a person’s self esteem and his/her concept of self and identity. It is argued that in a society with an ever-increasing focus on beauty, perceptions about dieting and body types can become distorted, and in turn can have an adverse effect on one’s eating habits.
Bulimia and Anorexia are two forms of eating disorders. Bulimia is characterised by purging after binge eating, whilst Anorexics suffer severe weight loss caused by an extreme reduction in food intake. Both can be life-threatening. People who suffer from anorexia or bulimia are extremely frightened of becoming fat, and this deep fear persists even after they have lost a lot of weight. Both conditions can be life-threatening once sufferers lose excessive amounts of weight.

Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders arise from stress factors bearing down upon the individual, for example, worries about work, finances and health. If you have anxiety disorder, you are likely to display symptoms such as frequent and inappropriate worry, fear, breathlessness, tension, trembling/shaking, dizziness, muscular tension. Other symptoms include irritability, restlessness, insomnia, hyperventilation and frequent sweating.
Prolonged periods of anxiety can also lead to complications such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). People who suffer from OCD characteristically tend to repeat certain actions excessively or entertain recurrent unwanted thoughts, such as the washing of hands or excessive double-checking.
Ironically, OCD sufferers perform these ‘rituals’ in the hope of preventing and dispelling obsessive thoughts. Such repetition only gives an OCD sufferer temporary relief, and more anxiety is experienced when these repeated actions are not performed.

Where to Seek Help
Physicians, GP Clinics, Counselors and Psychiatrists are avenues where you can seek treatment for the above conditions. There are also many hospital support groups in various hospitals which you can turn to for help and support.

10:47 | 0 comments | Read More

Causes of Tongue Cancer

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 14 March 2012 | 07:28

Causes of Tongue Cancer, Cancer is a malignancy that arises from epithelial tissue of the tongue mucosa.
Such as cancer in general, the cause of tongue cancer is not known with certainty.
However, there are several factors suspected to be a trigger, such as:
A. Smoking.
2. Chewed tobacco.
3. Alcohol.
4. Chronic infection.
5. Chronic trauma of sharp teeth, causing trauma to the tongue.
Oral hygiene is not maintained.

Cancer is often experienced by men with a ratio of 2:1 that the number of events increases with age.

Tongue cancer symptoms can be a wound that never healed ulcers, easy bleeding and pain.
Symptoms can include feeling sakiot radiating to the ear and neck pain and difficulty swallowing, and tongue movement becomes very limited.


Diagnosis of cancer of the tongue can be known by taking some of the suspected tissue, whether or not the cancer is found.
Coupled with x-ray inspection photo, T Scan and MRI.

Treatment depends on patient condition, type and stage of cancer that results can be taken later in the form of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
07:28 | 0 comments | Read More

Early Detection of Liver Cancer

Early Detection of Liver Cancer, Hepatoma of liver cancer or a malignant process in the liver, both primary and secondary. Primary liver cancer means the cancer cells begin to grow out of it's own liver cells which in turn could spread and damage other organs.
While at secondary liver cancer caused by the spread of cancer from elsewhere, for example from gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the urinary tract and others.


Liver cancer at an early stage generally asymptomatic and without a clear complaints. The new liver cancer will cause symptoms when it has entered an advanced stage.

Symptoms of Liver Cancer:

Complaints would appear tired, weak, drastic weight loss, frequent nausea and vomiting, palpable tumors in the stomach, decreased appetite, muscle aches, the whole skin becomes yellow, vomiting blood, ascites (belly), upper abdominal pain, black stools, leg swelling, sometimes accompanied by fever and chills.

Causes of Liver Cancer

The exact cause of liver cancer is not known for certain, but several factors are suspected as the cause of liver cancer, namely:
Presence of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis, hereditary predisposition, race, hepatokarsinogenik Clonorchis parasite infection (fungal aflatoxin, alcohol), eating lots of drugs, preservatives, additives, dyes and artificial sweeteners.

This is because the liver is a detoxifying from drugs or food into the body so that more frequent consumption of foods containing the ingredients mentioned above will make the heart grow heavy labor and toxins accumulate in the liver thereby causing damage to the liver.


To diagnose liver cancer diperlkan a thorough physical examination and laboratory tests of liver function tests, hepatitis virus omen, a sign of tumor, ultrasound, CT-SCAN, angiographic hepatic, liver biopsy with ultrasound guidance and laparoscopic.

Liver cancer is not contagious, but the cause of liver cancer there are diseases, such as Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through kissing or sexual intercourse with an infected person, syringes, tattoos, blood transfusion, contact with body fluids through an open skin wound or mucous mucus eyes and mouth.
07:26 | 4 comments | Read More

Beware Whitish Cancer Indications

Beware Whitish Cancer Indications, At certain periods, vaginal discharge in women is not something to worry about. However, there is also a kind of whiteness that was dangerous, could even be an early indicator of cervical cancer.

You must already be familiar with the name of whiteness in a woman.
Problems often appear whitish, almost every woman may even have been there. Therefore, most of us take for granted and white matter is reasonable. In fact, there is a kind of whiteness that can lead to infertility, even white can also be an indicator of cervical cancer (cervical cancer).

Whitish range of categories:
Discharge can be distinguished an advanced two types, namely:
A. Discharge is physiological (normal).
2. Pathological discharge is (due to illness).
Therefore, the real issue of this discharge can not be underestimated.

Recognize the characteristic whitish.
Normal vaginal discharge.
Discharge is classified in the category of normal vaginal discharge that occurred during the fertile period, ie in mid-menstrual cycle. In addition to the fertile, normal vaginal discharge is also common at the time before and after menstruation.


Normal vaginal discharge has a characteristic:
A. Clear mucus.
2. Watery nature.
3. Stringy.
4. Odorless.
5. Does not cause itching.

To discharge such features are not harmful.
Whitish mucus in the fertile period is a vital tool out reasonable and harmless, as well as white as before and after menstruation, the uterus is sometimes colored mucus somewhat murky nothing to worry.

Because whiteness disease.
As for the vaginal discharge is pathological or disease, is caused by several things, such as:
A. Fungi.
2. Protozoa.
3. Bacteria.
4. Because the symptoms of venereal diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis.

From various causes, the characteristics of whiteness was different.
Vaginal discharge caused by a fungus usually causes itchy, white color like milk or coconut milk.
For bacterial vaginal discharge, usually yellow-white color of the mucus and distinctive smell, like rotten eggs.

Vaginal discharge caused by protozoa usually more viscous mucus, greenish yellow color, causing a burning sensation and itching.
While the discharge is a symptom of venereal disease, pus and mucus usually cause itching.
The most convenient, when itchy vaginal discharge, odor and color, it is an indication of whiteness that must be considered.

Can cause infertility.
When he was experiencing vaginal discharge vaginal discharge with a dangerous characteristic, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately.
Bsia first step taken is to clean the female organs, then dry, then after that the state consult with your doctor.

Because if allowed to continue, will have a negative effect.
If vaginal discharge caused by infection with the venereal disease, if left unchecked, this will inhibit infection and damage to reproductive organs inside.
This can lead to pelvic inflammatory or clots can cause abscesses or pus in the pelvis. And if it is severe, it can cause infertility (infertility).

Keeping the importance of Hygiene Vital Organ.
Sometimes in cases of vaginal discharge is severe, will cause pain. Even the whiteness caused this pain can be early symptoms of cervical cancer (cervical cancer), because the early symptoms of cervical cancer is usually also accompanied by blood. Can also be accompanied by bleeding after intercourse.

Prevention and Treatment.
It is therefore advisable to perform preventive and treatment measures.
To avoid causing bacteria and fungi (which cause vaginal discharge), do not let the sex organs in a moist state. After a bowel movement, try to drain the female organs. In addition, when in a public bathroom, try not to use water that has been pooled to wash the female organs.

Use running water or bring your own clean water for washing (eg mineral water bottles).
Also, select underwear material that easily absorbs sweat and avoid memngenakan pants are too tight, because it will make a moist female organs and cause vaginal discharge.

To prevent themselves from infection and cancer of internal organs, it is recommended to perform routine Pap smear for wnaita married.
07:25 | 0 comments | Read More

Not Heal canker sores Mouth Cancer Watch

Not Heal canker sores Mouth Cancer Watch, In the mouth it is a lot of bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, etc., so that not only oral cancers that can arise, but there are many more such as the tongue cancer, tumor on the ceiling and so on.


Causes Thrush.
The cause of canker sores include vitamin C, fungal, blood-sharp teeth and so on. At a smoker should watch for signs of white spots on ulcers that never healed it could lead to cancer of the mouth and tongue cancer.

The main factors causing this cancer are alcohol and tobacco, also triggered by the presence of dentures that do not fit, poor oral hygiene, chronic inflammation, and genetic factors.
While there is usually a symptom of cancer of the tongue wounds like sores that do not senmbuh with adequate treatment.
Bleed easily.
Local Nnyeri.
Nnyeri radiating to the ear.
Nnyeri during swallowing.
It's hard to swallow.
The movement of the tongue becomes very terbtas.
Thrush in the mouth a few wounds.
A. Leukoplakia.
Is a condition where there is disruption of the gums, inner cheeks, the bottom of the mouth and tongue in the form of thickening or the presence of white spots. The cause is believed to be tobacco, either smoking or chewing.
Leukoplakia is usually harmless, mostly benign but are sometimes too serious. Open sores in the mouth often white, sometimes with red peinggiran.

Any open wound in the mouth that lasts for 2 weeks or more do not heal well, you should consult a dentist or physician, especially if it does not cause pain. A painless open sore lips or cheeks usually have a less serious causes, such as thrush or a result of being bitten lip or cheek by accident.

2. White Color wound.
White open wounds that do not cause pain and occur in the mouth or on lips within 1-13 weeks after the patient underwent an oral, could be the early stages of syphilis and usually disappears by itself after a few weeks. But at 1-4 months and then will come again and slimy white patches, where the mucus is contagious even be transmitted through kissing.

Infection is spread from tooth decay down to the floor of the mouth is a serious problem. A very serious infection called Angina Ludgwig, can cause severe swelling in the floor of the mouth, which could push the tongue up to clog the airways.
Warts can also infect the mouth if someone suck-suck warts that grow on the fingers.

3. Sialometaplasia Nekrotisasi
Is a gaping wound on the surface of the palate that arise suddenly within 1-2 days, often spread da scary, but it does not cause pain.
Tumor in the palate either malignant or benign often occurs at age 40-60 years, at an early stage only a few symptoms, the patient felt a pengbengkakan on the palate or teeth feel it is unstable while the pain starts some time later .

So long and sores that often occur, you should consult a physician to look for the cause can be determined so that appropriate treatment regimen.
07:24 | 0 comments | Read More

Dizziness often Beware of Brain Cancer

Dizziness often Beware of Brain Cancer, Headache pain is actually received by the nerves of the brain.
This could be due to the factors enumerated by the state in the brain or outside the brain for, say is a disorder of the eye, ENT, teeth, bones, neck, fever due to infection or to psychological factors, lack of sleep, anxiety and so on.


Brain cancer is divided into two, namely:
A. Primary brain cancer.
2. Secondary brain cancer.

Primary brain cancer can grow in the cerebrum, cerebellum or brain stem.
While a child's brain cancer secondary spread of cancer from another organ, eg of thyroid gland, lung, breast, and so forth.

Of course the presence of brain cancer can cause headaches.
In general, cancer-specific symptoms otka depending on the location and magnitude of the growth of cancer.
A. Sudden headache and irresistible.
2. Nausea and vomiting.
3. Impairment of consciousness.

This happens because of a disturbance in the limbs, and if that happens, especially of long standing, then we must beware.

Usually there is only 1 percent who are convicted of pain in the head as brain cancer.
Sometimes difficult to diagnose brain cancer at an early stage as it depends from:
A. Location grow.
2. Pace of growth.
3. The intensity of the pressure in the head the appearance of symptoms.
4. The effects of cancer.

Some kind of inspection done to see the certainty of diagnosis of brain cancer as a CT SCA, MRI and other tests.
07:22 | 16 comments | Read More

Recognize the Symptoms and Causes Liver Cancer

Recognize the Symptoms and Causes Liver Cancer, Good morning.
Simply want to share about the causes, symptoms, are transmitted and what foods should be avoided so as not affected by this liver cancer.


Following its Point-Point.
Symptoms of Liver Cancer:
Quickly exhausted.
Body feels weak.
Often shivering in the evening.
Fever in the morning.
Drastic weight loss.
Often feel pain in the back and shoulders.
Sometimes coughing or vomiting blood.
The entire skin becomes yellow.
distended abdomen.
Upper abdominal pain.
Black stools.
swollen feet.

Hepotema liver cancer or a malignant process in the liver, both primary and secondary.
Primary liver cancer means the cancer cells begin to grow out of it's own liver cells which in turn could spread and damage other organs.
While at secondary liver cancer caused by the spread of cancer from elsewhere, for example from gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and so on.

Liver cancer at an early stage.
Generally asymptomatic and without a clear complaints.
The new liver cancer will cause symptoms when it has entered an advanced stage, such complaints as symptoms will appear above.

Causes of Liver Cancer.
The exact cause is still unknown, but several factors are suspected as the cause of liver cancer are:

Hepatitis B virus infection and hepatitis C.
Cirrhosis of the liver.
Hereditary predisposition.
Parasitic Infection Clonorchis sinensis.
Foods that contain hepatokarsinogenik (fungus aflatoxin, alcohol).
Many consume drugs.
Buata sweetener.
Such foods cause reason to be.
This is because the liver is a detoxifying from drugs or food into the body so that more frequent consumption of foods containing these ingredients above, then the liver will be heavier.

Toxins accumulate in the liver is what can cause liver damage.
To diagnose a liver cancer, a thorough physical examination is required and the examination in the laboratory such as,
Liver function tests.
Test sign of viral hepatitis.
Test sign of tumor.
Ultrasound tests.
Hepatic angiographic.
Liver biopsy.
Liver cancer is not contagious, but the cause of liver cancer there are diseases, such as the hepatitis B virus can be spread by:
Kissing by the patient.
Syringe. Tattoos.
Blood transfusion.
Contact with the patient tubh fluid through the open skin wounds or mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth.
07:21 | 0 comments | Read More

Lung Cancer Symptoms Early and Advanced Stage

Lung Cancer Symptoms Early and Advanced Stage, Lung cancer is a malignant cancer originating from the lung cells.
The exact cause is still unclear.
But there are several factors that influence cancer considered this one.


Causative factor for lung cancer are:
A. Long-term inhalation or inhalation of carcinogenic substances or carcinogens which are:
Cigarette smoke.
CO2 gas.

2. Scarring of the lung affected by pulmonary diseases such as TBS.
Groups at high risk of lung cancer are:
More than 40 years of age.
Active smokers.
Secondhand smoke.
And people who work in environments that contain carcinogens.


There is research that says that housewives (non-smokers) that her husband would have a smokers risk of lung cancer 2 times more than non-smokers who had a husband.

Symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage is not very distinctive, usually together with other lung diseases, namely:
Weak body.
Decreased appetite.
Weight loss.
Long cough.
Chest pain.
Shortness of breath.
And coughing up blood.

In the advanced stage lung cancer symptoms depend on the place of delivery, namely:
Swelling of the head, neck and arms.
It is hard to swallow.
Severe headache.

To obtain accurate results for the diagnosis of lung cancer complained of, can do a physical examination and investigations that include:
Sputum cytology.
Photos of the lung.
Lung biopsy.
CT scans and so forth.
07:17 | 0 comments | Read More

Really Cause Cancer Uterus Polyp

Really Cause Cancer Uterus Polyp, If you already talk of cancer, it was afraid to hear it. Because cancer is not yet clear why, that there is only conjecture that the dominant effect only.

Cervical cancer is very dangerous for the survival of life as well as the future for women in procreation. So it should always be wary of.
Well this time someone who is suffering from true polyps will cause kaker uterus.


Already know the name of polyps.
Polyps are abnormal growth of blood vessels on the surface of the mucous membranes.
These polyps can grow in the mucous membranes of the nose, intestines, rahin layer, the cervix and so on.

The cause of growth of polyps.
The cause of the growth of polyps is still unclear. In the polyps of the endometrium (uterine lining) allegedly caused by the influence of the hormone estrogen.
Polipmulut uterus allegedly caused by the influence of estrogen and infection.

Endometrial polyps and cervical polyps can grow a single or multiple, can be short or long-stemmed, even up to get out through the cervix into the vagina.

Endometrial polyps sometimes give a complaint.
if there is any complaint, it usually is able to form irregular periods, bleeding between the two menstrual cycles, bleeding or spotting after menopause, and bleeding or spotting after intercourse or pain during menstruation.

Treatment of Endometrial Polyps.
Can be performed by curettage and hysterectomy.
After dikuret, polyp tissues examined cell by anatomic pathology examination to determine whether or not malignant.

When the results of the anatomic pathology of the polyp tissue found no cancer cells, then pengonbatan completed.
but if the results of the examination found cancer cells, it will proceed with the appointment opersai content.

Most benign endometrial polyps.
Endometrial polyps can cause interference with the implantation of the fetus that would cause a miscarriage.
07:16 | 3 comments | Read More

KB Hormones Not Cause Cancer

KB Hormones Not Cause Cancer, According to the results of research both within and outside the country, it was hormonal, either in pill or injectable form, it does not cause cervical cancer. However, hormonal contraceptive can cause cervical epithelial cells and other cells to grow more active for, say only the cells become larger or more numerous and lebihmudah number of infections or other abnormalities.

Therefore, the use of hormonal contraception after a certain time is expected to rest in accordance with contraceptive use. Rest is maximized to restore the cells to change into a normal state again.

During a break from hormonal, please use birth control, such as condoms or IUD. If the number of children considered to be sufficient, please use the KB streil good remedy women and men (vasectomy). Children have more than two, may increase the risk for cervical cancer mederita. Therefore, let us family planning. Do not forget control of Pap smear every year, and hopefully it will be healthier.
07:14 | 0 comments | Read More

4 Foods Cause Cancer

4 Foods Cause Cancer, Are there any foods that can cause cancer, the answer has never been there but just speculation. Includes the following 4 food that can trigger cancer.

Food Triggers Cancer.
A. Sate.
The meaning is about how to cook it. The lack of proper cooking can be a trigger cancer. When we burn the flesh (skewers) over a high flame with Suu, it will form senayawa Heterosiklis HCA or Amina.

HCA is a reaction to animal protein and predictably during the cooking process as free radicals that can trigger cancer.

How to safely eat meat so cooked, steamed, braised slowly in order not to produce HCA.

2. Tea Bags.
The definition is not tea, but tea bag wrappers are usually made of materials containing chlorine.

Chlorine is a chemical commonly used in the paper industry as paper bleaching and disinfectants. Well, the chlorine contained in teabags pembugkus was dissolved and the number is significant, the possibility can lead to cancer.

Safe way is by dipping a tea bag no more than three minutes later was taken from his glass.

3. Preserved foods.
Presumably, sodium nitrate be present in all foods that contain preservatives that act to form N-nitroso components such carcinogenic substances.

4. Artificial sweeteners or aspartame.
Aspartame is a low-calorie artificial sweetener commonly used as a sugar substitute for diabetics, as a sweetener in a variety of packaged foods.

Safe manner so just choose artificial sweeteners that have been diapprove by the government.

How to Prevent Cancer.
In addition to careful of the food to be consumed (selective), the other best way is:
A. Maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
2. Avoid bad habits like smoking and alcohol.
3. Do not eat too much berpengawet.
4. Eating your greens.
5. Eating lots of fruits that contain vitamin A, Beta Carotene, vitamin C and E.
07:12 | 0 comments | Read More

Food Herbal Support Fertility

Food Herbal Support Fertility, Fertility problems can be a headache person who has the status of husband and wife. Some are even up to the stress in the short and long term because the couple did not immediately get a baby is desirable.

Here are some of the herbal plant that is widely known as reproductive fertility drugs.
For convenience, we immediately see just some of the reviews below.

A. Lempuyang.
Lempuyang or whether it lempuyang puyang CVD, lempuyang lempuyang sweet and elephants, all three have been known by many herbalists and the Java community as fertility drugs uterus or womb.

Therefore, it is not uncommon in women who are experiencing male fertility problems are advised to consume lempuyang, especially lempuyang CVD.

2. Sprouts.
3. Powder.
4. Degan.
Known as fertility drugs, but remember, that meant degan degan be original, not half degan half a coconut.
Degan can increase sperm so no doubt gan, fresh as well.

5. Gotu kola.
6. Advocates.
The fruit of this one is no doubt, and many were recommending as a male fertility drugs, especially men who have a body of dry, thin and had abnormal waist.

7. Ginger.
red ginger and elephant and CVD, known as the fertility of men in society at large. Even at this very instant ginger is easy to obtain.
Many reasons why people consume ginger, there is because they want to increase libido, improving fertility or just a hobby.

8. Watermelon.
9. Cucumber.
These foods are also known to nourish the womb, tgerutama for those who have a uterus dry and waist pain.
Menyimun in 4 pieces a day is enough if consumed.

10. Coconut milk.
Coconut milk is known to improve sperm. Given the powerful nature of the coconut milk, coconut milk may be made in any form.
Both the vegetable, beverage and others. For men with a history of reproductive disorders due to abnormal uric acid, should be limited to the amount of coconut milk.

11. Ice cream or ice-puter.
Very good for a man who had a history of back pain disorders and low sperm counts. But not recommended for men who are obese and low libido.

12. Cincao.
Very beneficial for health and fertility, especially if cincao is still new. Similarly cincao that is not mixed with lime water.
Its use can be used for pulp or a mixture of ice.
06:30 | 0 comments | Read More

Calcium Benefits for Skin T

Calcium Benefits for Skin T, The skin is the outer protection of the organs. If the outer protection is not maintained properly will certainly affect other body parts.

Consists of many layers of skin cells.
At the top layer of skin consists of:
A. Amino acids.
2. Mineral.
3. Proteins and other components.
All components are functioning fatherly maintain tissue function.

When the skin tissue lost one important component, then the top layer will tend to release the water, so the skin loses moisture. Could eventually lead to itchy skin, dry and thickened.

Usually used in skin care ingredients derived from protein or fat. However, it turns out that during this calcium (calcium T) is used to maintain healthy bones and teeth are also able to keep skin healthy and beautiful.

Calcium T.
Calcium T is a mineral consisting of calcium from the sea. For some reason called the T.

Excess Calcium T is:
A. Able to work on the skin layer.
2. Make kelembabab skin.
3. Able to minimize the water that tends to come out with the help of minerals in it.
4. Suitable for dry skin care.
5. Safe for all ages.
6. Able to restore the healthy condition of the skin.
7. Address the wrinkles on the face.
8. Overcome the dull and rough skin.

Calcium T is usually used as a treatment in liquid, gel or creamy. Very good use to help regenerate cells kult at night and keep the skin moist during the day.

Calcium minerals are in is very helpful not only health but also for beauty.
06:29 | 1 comments | Read More

Factor Triggers Acne

Factor Triggers Acne, Many things can make acne thrives on the skin.
Anyone would want to be free from acne baby named it, because its presence is quite disturbing and disruptive both in appearance and skin health.

There are many factors that cause acne.
These factors, among others.
A. Heredity.
If the parents have a history of acne, then the potential for children affected by acne are big enough.

2. Psychological factors.
When a person is stressed, it can trigger the production of oil glands.
This excess oil that can clog pores and cause inflammation or so-called acne.

3. Drug factor.
Consume certain drugs was found to be one of the factors of acne. Especially if there are allergic to certain kinds of medication, the inflammation will lead to the emergence of a large pimple.

4. Factor Cosmetics.
The aim is to beautify the skin, but if one turns to the use of cosmetics emnimbulkan acne, both in awajah and in the body.

In addition to the above four factors, other factors still exist when the acne has begun to emerge.
Trigger factors that make acne more inflamed and grow is to squeeze pimples and food.

Do not Squeeze acne.
Usually we are ignorant to hold hands and squeeze pimples. Indeed the source of acne may soon be out, but coercion can exaggerate and make deeper acne scars.
If the wound is deeper and the recovery can not be normal.

In addition, food intake may also trigger inflammatory acne, such as foods that contain lots of oils, nuts, fried foods, chocolate and other foods that can trigger other allergies.
06:28 | 0 comments | Read More

Coronary Heart Disease

Coronary Heart Disease, Disease this one is the only cause of sudden death, sudden death in humans. How not usually have symptoms of the disease is not visible. Can only be seen when entering a new phase lenjut.

Blood vessel constriction
Heart disease is a malignant disease and diseases of the world's first murderer.
One that is often experienced heart disease is coronary heart disease, better known by the symptoms of heart blood vessel constriction.

Because of the narrowing, it will eventually happen darh fat accumulation in the vessels of the heart.
So, for people who consume too many foods that contain fat, then maybe the fat in the blood vessels going to take him to the heart and blood vessels attached to the wall, then mengndap and move that ultimately makes the blood vessels become narrow.

Healthy Life
For people with heart disease, it is advisable to undergo a healthy life.
Ie keep the intake of fat.
Consume lots of fiber.
Doing regular exercise three times a week at least thirty minutes.

As for those who have already entered the phase of information on heart disease, it is recommended not to do competitive sports or heavy like football, tennis, badminton and basketball.
The sport is not only exhausting, but also emotional
06:27 | 0 comments | Read More

10 Risks and Negative Effects Cesarean

10 Risks and Negative Effects Cesarean, ve Heard it a C-section or the name of this section.
Actually, Caesarean section is major surgery that is done from the start of the abdominal wall to the uterus. Horrified her.

But strangely, this one kind of labor is favored mostly masyarakay lay the deep pockets or rich. Should not be delivered through the normal course, so many reasons that they are willing to put up the money for this C-section. Yet in retrospect, those days of old, grandfathers, our fathers, there is no such thing as this surgery, but also the state of the baby's mother was healthy.

Actually, again, a Caesarean may be done if it really harm the baby, mother or both if the normal delivery done. Although the origin of normal deliveries better and safer for both mother and baby.

Most people consider that caesarean section is a safe and efficient way to give birth.
Cesarean section is more convenient and more predictable than a normal delivery. The procedure is generally painless even for using anesthetic.

The fact is that encouraging mothers and families to choose a cesarean birth. But ... of glasses which more closely, it seems deficiencies and risks that make the fault was properly restricted to the state of normal childbirth really is not possible or forced.

The following risks and negative effects of C-section.
The emergence of new problems caused by the use of anesthesia and drugs to relieve postoperative pain.
Increased risk of infection and antibiotic use.
She was bleeding and increased risk of more severe bleeding resulting in anemia and the need for blood transfusion.
Care in hospital and at home for longer thus increasing the need for living expenses.
Neyri caesarean wound longer than normal delivery, so that would incriminate themselves can do to nurture yourself and your baby.
The emergence of the problem of scar tissue in the incision.
There may be other problems in the body, such as poor bowel function, bladder, uterus muscle V and the risk of blood clot formation legs and pelvis.
Increased risk of respiratory problems and temperature for a newborn.
Kemadulan a higher potential than women to give birth pervagina.
Increased risk plascenta retained in subsequent pregnancies, and most likely within the next delivery will also perform caesarean again.
When making a decision for a cesarean delivery, families, physicians must weigh all the risks and benefits that will result after the surgery. Dainggap worth the risk of cesarean section delivery is performed if pervagina would endanger the mother and baby.
06:26 | 0 comments | Read More

5 Food Control Hypertension

5 Food Control Hypertension, Hypertension is high blood pressure, high tensinya so they can make a person paralyzed in part or entirely. There are some fruits and vegetables that have been tested or has been studied by the west as well as by universities in Indonesia.

If the great benefits and no side effect why not try for those who are hypertensive. Yet research has shown that good results are to be tried by the concerned.

The following fruits and vegetables that can be used for controlling hypertension.
A. Wine.
Wine is meant is not the fruit, but seeds that can become a hypertension drug. Who is researching about this grape seed, he is the Professor C. Tissa Kappagoda from the University of California. If anyone wants any further about that examined the efficacy of grape seed, he can find the article.

How to use.
Grape juice made.
So instead of seeds swallowed whole, but serve others first extract. If seeds are used as the juice is not possible I think people drink it. It is recommended to make grape juice, but included with the seeds.

What is the content of this Grape Seed.
Polyphenols are compounds which is in charge of the blood vessels dilate so that blood flow to be smooth. Then the content of vitamin E, Flavanoid, linoleic acid and prosianidin.

2. Garlic.
Who examined was Dr.. V. Petkov from the Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria.
How to use it can swallow a peeled garlic. Or if not strong with the smell, can be smoothed first and then put into capsules.

More about the efficacy of garlic as a hypertension control, just look for the article discoverer.

3. Sweet star fruit.
Which examined the University Sains Malaysia.
How to use it to eat it alone. Easy.
Some claimed that this sweet star fruit contains fiber that can absorb the impact of body fat is to decrease hypertension.

4. Cucumber.
Who do research are the University of Airlangga and Maranatha Christian University.
The content of this cucumber is:
Potassium Magnesium.
Vitamin A, C, E.
Beta-carotene Folic Acid da.

How to use easy to live alone eat it raw or juiced, used as fresh vegetables and so on. Let's not because of skin peeled cucumber as they could be a weight loss medication.

5. Celery.
The research is Dr melaklukan. Wilian J. Eliot, a pharmacologist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Chicago.
Celery is able to suppress the function of the concentration of stress hormones that return blood vessels to widen.

How to use, take all parts of the celery plant and then washed and boiled with water. Drinking boiled water several times a day. Or it could be denagn how juiced, celery juice. Can also be sauteed.

Of all their opinion, the cause of hypertension is due to constriction of blood vessels, which is nothing but one of the trigger is STRESS.
06:24 | 0 comments | Read More

Danger of Junk Food to Children

Danger of Junk Food to Children, Too often eat fast food or junk food is not only detrimental to health. These foods can also make your baby susceptible to various diseases.

Eating junk food seems to have become part of people's lifestyles, particularly in big cities. In fact, often the parents actually introducing these foods early on. However, be careful, apparently the food is very harmful for children's health such as diabetes.

Junk food can be connoted as a food of low nutritional quality. These foods are usually packaged as a fast-food menu offers a delicious flavor that is addictive the buyer.

Calorie dense.
Junk food usually contain dense calories, fat and spices with high salt levels, giving rise to a very delicious taste sensation on the tongue. This is definitely not healthy because of fat, calories and contain other substances that contain the specified limit. In fact, the composition of a healthy diet should be balanced.

If calculated from the value of nutrition, junk food is not balanced. Normal portion of a packet of French fries, for example, can contain 500 calories, a hamburger about 500 calories, not to mention when added to soft drinks. Total calories a meal can exceed the total of 2000 calories. Average calorie requirement for adult men have an average of only 1900 calories, while the kids around 1500-1900 calories. This means eating one serving does not include drinking, had passed more than half the caloric needs of children.

High Cholesterol.

Junk food jug can contain high cholesterol and sugar. While the content of important nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals actually neglected. Of particular concern, junk food is likely to contain harmful substances such as preservatives and additives that make children become addicted.

Things that need to be aware of eating junk food or fast food is high calorie content. In principle, instant food has been through the process repeated. This process led to simple sugars in the instant food is easily absorbed by the body.

Junk food also includes a high glycemic index foods that cause intense cravings. This sense of feeling of pleasure derived from the blood sugar rises quickly. Then there is the craving effects (feeling of wanting to always be snacking) so the blood sugar down quickly.

Risk of Diabetes.
In addition, less junk food also contain fiber. In fact, in normal conditions, the fiber is needed to keep bowel movements cycle (BAB) on a regular basis and keep calorie intake too much.

When left with a diet high in calories and less fiber continuously, the child will be obese. High glycemic index foods that trigger the production of insulin continuously, and over time will increase the risk of diabetes in children.

If you eat junk food constantly, not only lead to overweight in children but can also lead to degenerative diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure or other serious illnesses.
06:23 | 0 comments | Read More

Healthy Lifestyle Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Healthy Lifestyle Lowers Bad Cholesterol, One source of the disease is bad cholesterol. This can affect cholesterol Saipa, but with proper diet and exercise enough, you can lower cholesterol.

In the food contained three substances, namely:
Each agent has the function of each.

A source of energy.
Serves to replace damaged cells and help grow.
Fat in the body will be dindingsel.
Vitamin solvent.
Menciptkanan enzymes useful for the body.

Despite having the function of each, but at the third meal of this substance must be consumed with proper portions. Because if not, it will cause problems in the body, and is most often a problem is fat.
06:22 | 0 comments | Read More

Growing teeth Italic

Growing teeth Italic, Teeth grow sideways due to dental difficulties, or failure to grow normally in the arch.
A. The wrong position teething.
2. Shortage of places or blocked by another tooth.
3. Covered with a thick bone or soft tissue around it.

It is true that the new tooth to grow back on his side that can cause intense pain.

So what drugs can be given if the tooth is painful to grow.
Actually, to reduce pain may be purchased at a nearby pharmacy, but you should consult your dentist for a pain-reducing drug to avoid mistakes in the use of drugs.

So what to anticipate that the growth of permanent teeth clean.
In addition to regular controls to the dentist, tooth position in case of skewed X-rays should be done in order to know the anatomy and position.
06:21 | 0 comments | Read More

This is the reason when it should be Caesar

This is the reason when it should be Caesar, Whether labor is Caesar is always the best option.
Yes, not necessarily all, of the risks and negative effects should be studied in advance.

At a planned C-section will go through various procedures remain, such as urine and blood regularly. In addition to the type of anesthesia and drugs will be checked again, whether the patient is allergic and others. Mother's mental condition before entering the operating room is also part of the success of the operation.

Fear of the mother will affect the heart's blood pressure and other problems that could hinder the operation.
If a Caesarean section is not planned or emergency, after the problems or difficulties arise during the process is labor.

Various reasons for a decision to do a C-section, among others, are as follows:

A. Failure develops or prolonged labor.
Weak contraction, opening no progress or a baby who will not go down despite having made efforts to make better contraction. This situation is expected until some time according to the procedures of the Hospital or Doctor of Experts.

2. Mal Mal presentation or position.
That is where the fetus in the uterus is abnormal or not suitable if you were born normal. For example, the baby lying horizontally, and the breech position baby's head up in such a way that is difficult or can not pass through the pelvis.

3. CPD (Cephalopelvic Disproportion).
The circumstances in which the baby's head is too large, the structure of the mother's pelvis is smaller or a combination of both.
CPD is rarely detected before labor, because even though big baby and the mother's pelvis is small, in general, the baby will adjust and will widen the hip joint during labor.

If time is plenty and good quality of the contractions, but no progress, then the diagnosis of CPD will be set.

4. Fetal distress.
Namely the change in fetal heart rate suddenly. This occurs due to tangled cords and resulting in reduced blood flow to the placenta.

5. Fetal problems.
For example, a congenital defect.
Here the role of Caesar is useful to reduce the risk of new problems in newborns.

6. Cord prolapse.
The umbilical cord precedes the baby down on the head of the fetus and umbilical cord clamping.

7. Previna placenta.
The placenta is covering the meaning of the birth canal.
At the time dilated cervix, uterus and placenta regardless of cause painless bleeding in the mother. This can reduce the supply of oxygen to the fetus.

8. Placenta abruption.
Namely the placenta detached from the uterine wall before delivery.
This situation can lead to uterine bleeding.

9. Expectant Mother diseases.
For example, heart disease, HIV / AIDS medical condition or disease and other serious hazards.
For example, expectant mothers are not able to withstand the stress of labor and delivery through the vagina.

10. Repeat C-section.
If the previous delivery by Caesarean section, most likely when the next delivery will also be at risk for a cesarean delivery.

This dewas experts encourage expectant mothers to deliver vaginally after a caesarean section to reduce the level of choice for many couples in the absence of medical indications.

Those are some emergencies that require a Caesarean section for expectant mothers. Done for the safety of infants and expectant mothers.
06:17 | 0 comments | Read More