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Improve your SPERM Quality By Eating

Written By Unknown on Sunday 18 March 2012 | 13:21

So, what foods should i eat to improve my sperm quality? There are many studies that suggest eating foods rich in :

§  Zinc 
    Has been shown to increase number of sperm and sperm motility by 80% to 200% by aiding testosterone synthesis. Coupled with amino acids like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine, zinc should increase ejaculate volume significantly. Good sources of zinc is oysters. Bananas, avocado and almond or other nuts are also rich in zync.
§  Vitamin A 
   Has been shown to enhance sperm production and affect overall sperm quality. Good sources of Vitamin A are carrots, milk, chicken, fish oils, butter, cheese, eggs, and liver. Deficiencies in vitamin A in men have been linked to lowered fertility due to sluggish sperm,
§  Vitamin C
     Is another important nutrient that has been shown to improve sperm production and the motility of sperm cells. Good sources of Vitamin C are strawberries, oranges, broccoli, and kiwi fruit. According to practitioners, Vitamin C decreases sperm abnormalities and increases sperm number and quality. Vitamin C plays an especially important role in protecting the sperm’s genetic material (DNA) from damage. Ascorbic acid levels are much higher in seminal fluid than in other body fluids, including the blood.
§  Vitamin E 
    Is found in almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, peanut butter, peanuts, spinach, and broccoli. vitamin E is easy to find in food. studies show that men who have increased levels of vitamin E in their diet, have higher fertilization rates and better sperm motility than men who don’t have high levels of vitamin E.
§  Selenium 
     Is an antioxidant that can prevent chromosome breakage (a problem linked to both birth defects and miscarriages). Garlic is rich in selenium and therefore is a must for a fertility diet. Selenium and vitamins C and E can improve both your sperm cells’ production and their motility (swimming action)
§  L-Arginine
    Is shown to double sperm and semen in recent studies; sperm health and activity also increase. Good sources of arginine include dairy products, beef, pork, granola, oatmeal, and nuts. Preliminary research indicates that taking L Arginine over a period of months helps boost sperm count, according to the University of Michigan Health System website. But in men with extremely low natural sperm count, L Arginine seems to be little or no help.
§  L-Carnitine 
   Is found in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Proven to significantly increase the percentage of highly motile sperm. This compound is biosynthesized from the amino acids lysine and methionine. L-Carnitine plays a powerful role in sperm formation, sperm maturation, and the maintenance of sperm quality. Beef is where you find high doses of L-carnitine, and there are small amounts in asparagus, and leafy greens. It is found in trace amounts from some select nuts and seeds.
§  Lycopene 
   Is the most common carotenoid in the human body and a very potent antioxidant. Lycopene has been shown to increase sperm quality. Fruits and vegetables that are high in lycopene include tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, pink guava, papaya, and red bell pepper. Armand Zini, MD, associate professor of surgery at McGill University in Montreal, addressed this issue during the 2004 meeting of the American Dietetic Association (ADA). He reported that oxidative damage is linked to male infertility, as is a low semen lycopene level.

Dont forget to drink enough WATER!. Dehydration is the number one cause of poorsperm production. Sperm components is mostly from water. Try to eat at least 8 glass of water a day.

How To Do It All In One Easy Step
When you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that includes five servings of fruit and vegetables, two to three servings of dairy and protein products plus about five to six servings of grains, you automatically take in all the vitamins and minerals you need you need to produce healthy and high quality sperms every day. It is not recommended to eat the same menu over and over, instead well balanced diet is the key to maintain maximum benefit of every nutrients in food.

13:21 | 3 comments | Read More

TeraToZOO Sperma

Some men are infertile because of abnormal looking sperm. This is called teratozoospermia. This is diagnosed by examining the semen under a microscope to ascertain the sperm shape. A normal sample should have at least 15% normal forms.

While the commonest cause of male infertility is a low sperm count ( the technical term for this is oligospermia), some men are infertile because of abnormal looking sperm . This is called teratozoospermia (terato=monster).
Many infertile men have sperm samples which have low sperm counts, with poor motility and many abnormally shaped sperms. This is called oligoasthenoteratozoopsermia.

When the laboratory checks the semen under the microscope, they analyse the sperm shape ( whether the sperm are normally shaped or not - this is called their form or morphology. ) Ideally, a good sperm should have a regular oval head, with a connecting mid-piece and a long straight tail. If too many sperms are abnormally shaped (round heads; pin heads; very large heads; double heads; absent tails) this may mean the sperm are abnormal and will not be able to fertilise the egg. Many labs use Kruger "strict " criteria ( developed in South Africa ) for judging sperm normality. Only sperm which are "perfect" are considered to be normal. A normal sample should have at least 15% normal forms (which means that even upto 85% abnormal forms is considered to be acceptable!)
Why do we worry about abnormally shaped sperm ? A lot of men who have a normal count of 50 million per ml with 98% abnormal sperm often ask me - I have 1 million normal sperm - why can't I get my wife pregnant ? After all, I need only 1 sperm to fertilise the egg ! This is because abnormally shaped sperm are not capable of fertilising the egg, because they do not function properly. And if 98% of the sperm being produced in the testis are functioning abnormally, the fertilising ( functioning) ability of the remaining 2% sperm is bound to be suspect !

So what does the man with abnormal sperm do? Most men go to their doctor and expect that their doctor will prescribe a medicine which will help them to improve their sperm morphology , and fix their problem. After all, they expect that if medical technology has become so advanced, then there must be some treatment available to correct such a common problem !

The problem with the medical treatment of poor sperm morphology is that for most people it simply doesn't work. The very fact that there are so many ways of "treating" poor sperm morphology itself suggests that there is no effective method available. This is the sad state of affairs today and much needs to be learnt about the causes of poor production of sperm before we can find effective methods of treating it.
11:38 | 0 comments | Read More

Mentall Illness Faced By Adult

Mental Illnesses are known to have devastating impact on a person’s quality of life. Below are some commonly known mental illnesses affecting adults:

Depression is classified as a mood disorder, and affects a person’s feelings and emotions. Everyone feels sad from time to time, due to situations such as the loss of someone close, or a major disappointment. However, depression is of a greater intensity and lasts for a much longer period of time, to the point where it severely affects your daily functioning.

Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is another common mood disorder. While it is normal to experience a variety of moods throughout the day, Bipolar Disorder is evident when you have an extreme change in mood, usually swinging between extremes. These extremes or “poles” range from “mania” (a highly excited and elevated mood) to depression (extreme low and sad mood).

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects a person’s sense of reality, and the sufferer can be affected by delusions, hallucinations, or be extremely disorganized in speech and behaviour.
A person with Schizophrenia may develop false beliefs of grandeur or persecution (delusions), or experience sights, sounds, smells, tastes or touch that others do not experience (hallucinations). Such symptoms make it difficult for sufferers to distinguish between what is real and what is imagined.

Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders are mental illnesses that may be caused by problems with a person’s self esteem and his/her concept of self and identity. It is argued that in a society with an ever-increasing focus on beauty, perceptions about dieting and body types can become distorted, and in turn can have an adverse effect on one’s eating habits.
Bulimia and Anorexia are two forms of eating disorders. Bulimia is characterised by purging after binge eating, whilst Anorexics suffer severe weight loss caused by an extreme reduction in food intake. Both can be life-threatening. People who suffer from anorexia or bulimia are extremely frightened of becoming fat, and this deep fear persists even after they have lost a lot of weight. Both conditions can be life-threatening once sufferers lose excessive amounts of weight.

Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety Disorders arise from stress factors bearing down upon the individual, for example, worries about work, finances and health. If you have anxiety disorder, you are likely to display symptoms such as frequent and inappropriate worry, fear, breathlessness, tension, trembling/shaking, dizziness, muscular tension. Other symptoms include irritability, restlessness, insomnia, hyperventilation and frequent sweating.
Prolonged periods of anxiety can also lead to complications such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). People who suffer from OCD characteristically tend to repeat certain actions excessively or entertain recurrent unwanted thoughts, such as the washing of hands or excessive double-checking.
Ironically, OCD sufferers perform these ‘rituals’ in the hope of preventing and dispelling obsessive thoughts. Such repetition only gives an OCD sufferer temporary relief, and more anxiety is experienced when these repeated actions are not performed.

Where to Seek Help
Physicians, GP Clinics, Counselors and Psychiatrists are avenues where you can seek treatment for the above conditions. There are also many hospital support groups in various hospitals which you can turn to for help and support.

10:47 | 0 comments | Read More

Causes of Tongue Cancer

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 14 March 2012 | 07:28

Causes of Tongue Cancer, Cancer is a malignancy that arises from epithelial tissue of the tongue mucosa.
Such as cancer in general, the cause of tongue cancer is not known with certainty.
However, there are several factors suspected to be a trigger, such as:
A. Smoking.
2. Chewed tobacco.
3. Alcohol.
4. Chronic infection.
5. Chronic trauma of sharp teeth, causing trauma to the tongue.
Oral hygiene is not maintained.

Cancer is often experienced by men with a ratio of 2:1 that the number of events increases with age.

Tongue cancer symptoms can be a wound that never healed ulcers, easy bleeding and pain.
Symptoms can include feeling sakiot radiating to the ear and neck pain and difficulty swallowing, and tongue movement becomes very limited.


Diagnosis of cancer of the tongue can be known by taking some of the suspected tissue, whether or not the cancer is found.
Coupled with x-ray inspection photo, T Scan and MRI.

Treatment depends on patient condition, type and stage of cancer that results can be taken later in the form of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.
07:28 | 0 comments | Read More

Early Detection of Liver Cancer

Early Detection of Liver Cancer, Hepatoma of liver cancer or a malignant process in the liver, both primary and secondary. Primary liver cancer means the cancer cells begin to grow out of it's own liver cells which in turn could spread and damage other organs.
While at secondary liver cancer caused by the spread of cancer from elsewhere, for example from gastrointestinal cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the urinary tract and others.


Liver cancer at an early stage generally asymptomatic and without a clear complaints. The new liver cancer will cause symptoms when it has entered an advanced stage.

Symptoms of Liver Cancer:

Complaints would appear tired, weak, drastic weight loss, frequent nausea and vomiting, palpable tumors in the stomach, decreased appetite, muscle aches, the whole skin becomes yellow, vomiting blood, ascites (belly), upper abdominal pain, black stools, leg swelling, sometimes accompanied by fever and chills.

Causes of Liver Cancer

The exact cause of liver cancer is not known for certain, but several factors are suspected as the cause of liver cancer, namely:
Presence of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C, liver cirrhosis, hereditary predisposition, race, hepatokarsinogenik Clonorchis parasite infection (fungal aflatoxin, alcohol), eating lots of drugs, preservatives, additives, dyes and artificial sweeteners.

This is because the liver is a detoxifying from drugs or food into the body so that more frequent consumption of foods containing the ingredients mentioned above will make the heart grow heavy labor and toxins accumulate in the liver thereby causing damage to the liver.


To diagnose liver cancer diperlkan a thorough physical examination and laboratory tests of liver function tests, hepatitis virus omen, a sign of tumor, ultrasound, CT-SCAN, angiographic hepatic, liver biopsy with ultrasound guidance and laparoscopic.

Liver cancer is not contagious, but the cause of liver cancer there are diseases, such as Hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through kissing or sexual intercourse with an infected person, syringes, tattoos, blood transfusion, contact with body fluids through an open skin wound or mucous mucus eyes and mouth.
07:26 | 4 comments | Read More